Phase 3: Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation

As of March 2022, we are in Phase 3 of the planning process: implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. To implement all 30 solutions identified during Phase 1 of the Youth Master Plan (YMP) at once would overwhelm our already strained systems. So, across all of the YMP solutions, 15 were prioritized for focused implementation in the first two years of the 10-year roadmap. With clear owner groups and 2-year detailed action plans for each prioritized solution, we are beginning to see shared action and accountability.


Our Process

Phase 1: Solutions

Phase 1 spanned from Summer 2019 to December 2020 and brought together the people (youth, parents, community members, and sector leaders), the data (NOLA Kids Data Book, NOYA Youth Well-Being Data Dashboard), and the youth led vision necessary to design 30 cross-sectors solutions to implement throughout the full 10-year plan.

Phase 2: Action Strategies & Metrics

In Spring 2021, CYPB and the Youth Master Plan Steering Committee — including sector leaders, youth, and the YMP partners — prioritized 15 solutions for implementation in the first two years of the plan. Via a 4 month public process, working groups identified solution owners and collaborators, set goals, and identified action strategies.

Phase 3: Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation

Phase 3, launched in July 2021, has focused on transitioning from planning to doing. You can track progress across these solutions here.

Through this phase, working groups crafted the following for the collection of prioritized solutions:


Solutions Prioritized for 2022 Launch & Implementation

Upon the completion of Phase 1, community members and sector experts developed 30 solutions to improve the lives of children and youth in the city. It was immediately clear that rather than rushing towards implementing as many solutions as possible, we would need to build the capacity of our systems to work in a new way by selecting a smaller subset of solutions for near-term implementation.

The result is the 15 prioritized solutions which have been the focus on Phase 3’s work-planning and coordinated implementation effort. While these solutions will all begin in the first year, we expect to continue to work on them throughout the life of the 10-year plan, as they are foundational to systems change.

Some of the key solutions for implementation prioritization in 2022 include: 

  1. Ensuring the provision of long-term services for new and/or young parents (i.e. home-visiting programs, parent support groups) by promoting existing programs and investing in additional supports.

  2. Addressing the punitive school culture by removing law enforcement officers and increasing the capacity for schools to support mental and behavioral health needs of students. Schools should be resourced to build a culture that leads and guides students with positive behavior interventions and support in classrooms and across campus.

  3. Expanding meaningful opportunities for youth to be involved in existing decision-making and advocacy bodies across all public systems and within the nonprofit sector.

  4. Recognizing and broadening community wisdom around all youth developmental stages and milestones, with a focus on agency and identity, through a public awareness campaign. 

And more…