Phase 2: Action Strategies & Metrics

Over the course of Phase 2, which took place in Spring 2021, Action Tables built detailed two-year action strategies for the aspirational solutions that emerged from Phase 1 of the ten-year Youth Master Plan

In Phase 2 of the plan, you’ll find the solutions CYPB and partners will be focusing on over the next two years, details on how we plan to implement actions towards those solutions, and the organizations in New Orleans who have committed to bringing the solutions to life through coordinated and cross-sector approaches. 


Phase 2 priorities include:

  • Balancing Sector Experts with Youth Wisdom

  • Refining and Sequencing Solutions for Maximum Impact

  • Designing Action Strategies to Overcome Identified Barriers

  • Identifying Solution Owners to Ensure Successful Implementation

  • Establishing Funding & Data Partners and Approaches for Phase 3

Phase 2 action steps are centered around six youth development areas and focus on key action strategies, including the below:

  • Increasing opportunities for youth participation and leadership in boards, committees, commissions, and planning efforts across the city

  • Ensuring the public transit system encompasses the entire New Orleans metro area, and is safe, and lower-cost or free to youth

  • Advocating for increased minimum wage with equitable benefits

  • Decreasing the number of of young people who enter the criminal justice system, 

  • And more